Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Half Arsed Teachers can go to HELL

Well as you can tell from my lovely beginning to this entry I'm not happy and it has everything to do with the man, I wish I could just say Damn the Man but as we all know we'd end up homeless and forgotten. Tempting isn't it. The story goes like this. I was having trouble with 2 assignments because there was a lack of information given to me and now both of these pieces have been sent back to me claiming I did not follow instructions. I suppose this isn't really a claim but a truth that has come from a misunderstanding anyway I suppose I should consider myself lucky that I can resubmit but damn I didn't need this. This morning I was up at 7:30 working off of 5 hours sleep anyway went to centrelink to see my favourite man who is actually a rather stupid looking and now proven stupid women who shares my name. Nice one whoever named me and her, anyway I had to go all the way over to morwell that good old 20 minutes and buy petrol to do so good ol' 1.44 p/l and then I got over there and well everyone was lost as to why I had to come and see them the answer good o namesake forgot to ask me one question after waiting for an hour I was out of their within 4 minutes of seeing someone and in that time she managed to confuse the hell out of everyone including her self and my dad bright spark that one. Anyway I told her I had started volunteer work which I started yesterday and she kind of raised her voice "WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?" well because one I'm helping out people who need help looking after there children while they do a class with the neighbourhood house a government funded place of education mind you and two it is another thing i can add to my resume and to top it off I have to go back there on Friday to hand in my fortnightly form funo another way to waste money, Hey if you know anyone who is willing to give up sometime to help look after some kids under 10 tell me and i'll hook you up with some voluntary work at TNLH and you can add it to your resume and get a reference or referee from Jenny (co-ordinator) very nice lady very friendly people all around.


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