Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Julian from the strokes. cap from juicebox bitches AKA SCREAMING JULIAN
Adam in a tipping cap before i bleached the front of his hair
My Hair in Black and white
well we all know who that is dont we
my life is shit again god damn it do people around me enjoy watching my dad and i headaches are back they are worse all i want to do is sleep and disappear. what the fuck am i to do, stupid money. stupid valley and its lack of employment opportunities fuck it there is no point being in this place anymore. tafe is boring i've lost my motivation to write this blog and the damn live journal are proof. you can check out the 3 posts on the LJ if you want. i added the word verification thing to the blog making life difficult for those who SPAM he h. ummh the live journal link is have some fun there it has nothing to offer and neither do i i'm gunna go but not before i show a few random photos. anyway cya and i hope things get better. OH yeah i forgot to say thanks guys for inviting me out today, using the whole we didn't think you could get in when have i not been able to get in i always figure something out thats the stupidest excuse you have ever had thanks for adding to my bad day. fuck you guys. that doesn't go out to you briany. i also hope your feeling better and everything is ok. rock on your dog is cool but damn loud. hope you survived your solo night i'm sure it was fine.