hello hello
Got up went to school had a maths test fun fun . did really bad. talked with everyone cept briany big surprise there. went to vis com dropped my folio twice and thats just stupid once and i should have learnt but hey its me again no big surprise. did some work and found a really cool chair to use as a base for my own chair hoorah finally now all i have to do is design some shit and make it look all gothic and cool goodluck with that. went to lunch talked to tash and alburee briany disappeared before tash appeared and then danielle, mel and jo joined us for a little talk about stuff danielle's reason for not hanging around for so long was the two bitches who aren't around anymore cough cough AMANDA AND COURTNEY ha ha gee if your reading this just spreading the message of danielle. went to international studies and did the short test not that hard actually i have a good feeling about it then i'll re read my notes and go dor dickhead. anyway went to safeway brought tea pork chops and some lollies to share tomorrow with the non existant food class should be a bunch of fun. got home went online talked to amanda and now jess who is sick with galangiala fever that fair sucks but she gets out of sac week *shakes fist* and now i want to talk to other people but no one is online anyway i'l go now bye
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