Monday, March 07, 2005

Dear Blog

Yes i did just start it like that. Today was a different day at about 1am my rats woke me up and instead of kicking them out of the room i kicked myself out and slept in the floor in the lounge room which isn't that bad a place to sleep. woke up got ready for school went to school gave em her present she loved it and i enjoyed seeing the trademark smile. it was good and she seemed a little bit relieved. chris had his hair in a little pony tail today it looked fair cool her just needs to grow it a little longer. i had a fight with briany it was fantastic. she spent the rest of the day trying to piss me off but instead everybody got sick of her. attempted to make evil cookies and thats what they were they were evil and even just thinging about htem is making me feel horrible. saw em at the end of the day jerim had a midget keyboard. went to the video store rented the notebook for a friend, not my kind of movie, got home looked at homework laughed at it found out my dad got stung by a bee or wasp on the head when he was washing down hte cobwebs. looked to see who was online no one wen t and watched barber shop then came back online and decided i'd update and then consider doing international studies and vis com homework.


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