it happened again
woke up hating. got over it cause i suddenly remembered that they are great. although i am totally still pissed of at dan and matt give us the run around next time also liked the fact dan was far away from the meeting spot when he told us. anyway we have agreed that next friday its a skate off. it will also be the last time em and chris and the rest of the gang see me with normal hair colour bring on the blue purple and white if the plain works oh yeah and the black maybe. anyway gunna be in melbourne next saturday hanging out and then staying in melton til monday. dad has commonwealth games training he got in as a volunteer. i did 2 radio shows this week i did one last night and the usual wednesday night. i gots me some new jeans for christmas cause mum decided we should go to fountain gate and do some shopping one of the pairs has pink in them. so not normal for me. umm what else what else oh yeah i went to a party at teej last night it was more a hang out session but still enjoyable. anyway its time for me to fly but i leave you with a parting comment how good is it to hear from someone you haven't in a while. it makes me feel all happy and nice hoorah
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